Wilderness and Rescue Medicine 7th Edition Jeffrey Isaac, PA-C and David E. Johnson, MD

Chapter 32: The Expedition Medical Officer

The informal title “doc” is given to an army pla- toon’s medic, regardless of the level of the medic’s training and certification. It recognizes the med- ic’s special role as lifesaver, caregiver, and confi- dant to the soldiers to whom he or she is assigned. Whether in combat, civilian search and rescue operations, or on a sailing expedition, the role of the medical officer is unique and demanding. In some circumstances, the task can be consider- ably more complex and challenging than that per- formed by an emergency physician in a hospital.

job to brief your traveling companions on safety concerns, environmental threats, and preexisting conditions among those in your group. Also, by default or by design, you may be the only one anticipating and planning for rescue and evacu- ation. The more you can anticipate and address problems before a crisis develops, the more time you will have to deal with the unexpected issues that inevitably arise.

Expedition Medic Prevention and Early Intervention:

General Principles


Expedition Medic

General Principles

• Medical screening • Hygiene protocols


Planning: • Anticipated problems

• Basic medical skills training for the group • Medical hazard assessment and briefing • Personal medical equipment expectations

• Emergency communications • Expectations and limitations • Evacuation routes and methods • Group medical supplies and equipment


“You will need a working knowledge of local environmental conditions, medical resources, and the condition of your crew.”


You need a working knowledge of local envi- ronmental conditions, medical resources, and the condition of your crew. You should also be intimately familiar with the equipment and medication you carry. Your confidence and com- petence are directly related to the quality of your preparation. Finally, the scope of your role and


Responsibilities In most situations, your role as an expedition medic becomes an educator and safety officer as well as a medical practitioner. It may be your

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