Wilderness and Rescue Medicine 8th Edition
Chapter 3: Patient Assessment and the SOAP Format
The Patient Assessment System (PAS) is a tool for organizing your response to any situation involving an ill or injured person. The more com plicated and difficult the situation is, the more valuable a well-rehearsed PAS will be. Properly applied, the PAS will lead you to a concise descrip tion of the problems you are facing and what you are going to do about them. The PAS consists of three important steps: gath ering information, creating a problem list, and planning treatment and evacuation. Information is collected in a series of surveys , which is sum marized as three triangles.
with the PAS requires lots of practice, but it is one of the best tools that you have available for reducing risk and improving outcome. Gathering Information The Scene Size-Up For Search and Rescue (SAR) teams, the scene size-up begins with the call out. While the team is getting organized, the team leader will usually del egate a member to collect data from dispatch, the reporting party, and people on scene, if possible. By adding a weather report and local knowledge, it is sometimes possible to form a near-complete picture of the situation and the associated risks. More often, however, it is the rescuer on scene who performs this vital function. The scene size-up is designed to keep you alive and effective. It also serves to protect other rescu ers, bystanders, and the patient from further harm. If you are among the first on scene, a complete scene size-up is your first responsibility. It is also your first opportunity to assess the number of people affected and the forces and factors involved.
General Principles
Patient Assessment System
Stabilize the Scene
Stabilize the Patient
Complete then Treat
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These steps allow you to gather the neces sary information systematically, act on what is urgent and important, and organize your ongoing response. Becoming competent and comfortable
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